About me

My name is Heather and I am currently 56 years old and from Surrey, England which is just to the South-West of London; around 25 miles or so from the city centre or 40 minutes by train.
My husband and I have been married for 35 years and we have four adult children, three of whom no longer live at home, three cats, a bearded dragon and an assistance dog Eider.
Following a stroke in 2007 - not my first nor my last - I use a wheelchair to get around, and I have a stoma and a suprapubic catheter, but I try not to let it hold me back or define me. I am a person who happens to have a disability. I am not just a disabled person.
I work part-time as a receptionist in a very busy doctors surgery four half days a week which I absolutely love, and I volunteer as a guest blogger at Ability Today which is a social enterprise informing and supporting people with disabilities.
I love to make stuff! Whether I am in the garden planting, building stuff from pallets, sewing curtains or decorating the house, I am never happier than when I am thigh deep in another project. I like to think that if other people can do it then so can I. My family despair that I will ever be able to just sit and enjoy the view.
And finally, I am extremely stubborn. There is really no point in telling me that something is not possible. I refuse to allow other peoples lack of imagination to stop me trying to do the things that I want to do, even if it looks like an almost impossible task. Where there's a will, there's a way!
